The Christopher Storybook

Copyright John Jusko, 2021. All rights reserved. This website is in no way affilitaed with Catholic Chairities or Camp Christopher, and simply seeks to preserve stories commonly told at the camp year to year.

To the beautiful 2022 staff of Camp Christopher,

Thank you for the most wonderful summer of my life. It has been an incredible blessing to be able to live (and work) with you. I cannot express my gratitude enough for the love I felt from all of you this summer, and I hope you know it's reciprocated.

Each and every one of you are fantastic coworkers, but more importantly, fantastic friends and human beings. I've made so many amazing memories this summer, and I feel so close to all of you that it's hard to believe that I met the vast majority of you in the last two years.

I feel blessed to be able to call all of you my family.

-Jack Jusko